Hi, I'm Paige.

Open Peeps by Pablo Stanley

I’m a 24 year old, junior game developer from Massachusetts, currently based in New Hampshire. I attend Southern New Hampshire University, and will be graduating with my Bachelor of Science in Game Programming and Development in November 2024 (yay!).

A bit of history.

I graduated high school in 2018 with plans to pursue a degree in classical trumpet performance at Boston University. However due to the pandemic in 2020, I was forced to take a leave of absence from my music degree. During that time, around November 2020 I built my first gaming PC and subsequently in January 2021 became obsessed with technology and began working at Micro Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Eventually I was promoted to a service technician where I learned even further about computers and tech.
Also during this time, I began streaming on Twitch, which is where I really fell in love with video games. I grew up playing classics like Super Mario 64, and my lifelong favorite game of all time: Zelda Windwaker, but the experience of building a Twitch community and meeting new people through that community was honestly, life changing. It was through streaming I met some of my best friends and even professional mentors.
After all of this, 2022 came and I was due to return to music school, but it didn’t last long at all. I felt held back from my true passions this time, and after a month of being back at Boston University, I made the incredibly difficult decision to leave my dream school and instead pursue a Bachelor of Science in Game Development. Though challenging, I can say with 100% confidence that it was the best decision I’ve ever made.
In 2024 my passion for video games, the gaming community, and game development has only grown! I regularly play video games from AAA studios and indie developers, and I enjoy attending gaming conventions when I can! I even cosplayed as Medli from Windwaker at PAX East this year! I’ve gotten experience designing games through crafting home-brew Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. Now that I’m in my last few terms of my game development degree, I’m seeing the culmination of all the design, animation, Unreal Engine, project management, and scripting courses I’ve taken, and I’m proud of myself and the growth I’ve seen in my skills.
Reflecting on my journey, I embrace every twist and turn, grateful for the opportunities and experiences that have shaped me into the young professional I am today.
Now you know me! Contact me via email or on LinkedIn so I can get to know you!